Friday, February 1, 2008

What interests me about chemistry?

Chemistry .. I never really understood what the point of it was until I did some research. Sure, it's a class that you need to take to graduate, but what really does chemistry mean to me? I'm not sure yet. But research has provided me with many different topics which revolve around chemistry.

They include:
1. Medicine - What would we do without new medications available?

2. Cosmetics - What would us girls do without our makeup? The creation of our favorite lip gloss, eyeshadow and nail polish all involve chemistry.

3. Water purification - We take it for granted, but without chemistry, drinking water would be disgusting and make us sick. Once we're sick, we'd need medicine and OH WAIT, that's chemistry too.

4. Cooking - It's basically chemistry right? Combining and mixing to make products? (okay maybe it's a stretch)

5. Military uses - Making bomb and all that stuff, definetly chemistry.

Most people that know me know that I am beyond obsessed with the tv show CSI, but it has become more than that. One of my goals is to be part of the forensic science field, specificially a criminalist. I have always known that forensics involve science, but I didn't realize how much of it involves chemistry. Chemical reactions are performed time and time again at a crime scene and later analyzing it in the lab. Without chemicals, who knows how many criminals would have escaped their righteous punishment. Besides crime scene analysis, there are numerous other thing that interest me that involve chemistry, but it's role in CSI is my obvious favorite.Using chemistry to analyze drugs found in a victim's system, or to determine what an un-identified substance found at a crime scene, is beyond incredible to me. Chemistry is such a critical part of criminal justice if you ask me, and I am so fascinated with it. Forensics is an interesting field on its own, but incorporating science to catch a killer?! It's amazing.

Links: (I have a thousand but these are interesting)


Ben said...

This is pretty good but a few of them are a stretch ( cmon water purification, cosmetics, I like women with natural beauty). But the part about csi I agree with because who doesn't want to dust things for fingerprints.

Megan said...

haha ben i must disagree i think water purification and cosmetics have a great deal of chemistry in them. I really like the military stuff. Obviously I dont want bombs and stuff for bad reasons but its cool how the compounds of the earth can be used for like everything. Also the CSI stuff is really cool. I actually dont think i would have ever thought of that but it is really interesting. Nice post!

phil said...

CSI is pretty awesome stuff the best is like finding blood with black light but also how they can identify the different stuff they find on bodies

Allison said...

looking at all of those forensic science sites was pretty interesting. i mean obviously chemistry is a huge part of it, but reading those sites kind of made me realize how important forensic science is. it basically is the solid evidence in criminal cases. im a little jealous of you for wanting to go into that field, tho, i gotta admit. like analyzing dead bodies, not exactly my cup of tea.(haha love tht experssion) anyway, i liked that you said cooking. of course its chemistry. the tastes and textures mixed n all. sure, why not. i wanted to mention it too, actually but i couldnt find any good sites, so i didnt. ooh well. nice work

Kallie Fehr said...

To disagree with Ben, I think that water purification does have to do with chemistry. It is also really important because unclean water is very harmful. Water and medicine are both very important things to keep people living and they have a lot to do with chemistry. I also think its interesting to know that your makeup was made by using chemistry.

Kallie Fehr said...

To disagree with Ben, I think that water purification does have to do with chemistry. It is also really important because unclean water is very harmful. Water and medicine are both very important things to keep people living and they have a lot to do with chemistry. I also think its interesting to know that your makeup was made by using chemistry.

Kallie Fehr said...

wow i must have hit publish twice, sorry about that. by the way, my new blog is for anyone who wishes to know

nramone said...

I really like your CSI reference. It looks very cool, and the other day Grissomwas talking about certain elements and i actually understood the whole talk. It was cool. I respect your dreams to work in that field and good luck with that. Some of your other chemistry examples are weird but they show u thought about it a lot.

Anonymous said...

I think that your ideas on modern chemistry are great ash! water purification is pretty important and forensics are awesome. (CSI is a great show) Its cool that we can use elements and natural materials to solve crime. Well Done!

ashbash! said...

lame to comment on my own blog i know but:
SURVEY SAYS... everyone disagrees with Ben. sorry =)