Friday, December 7, 2007

So mad I missed the "best day of Chem ever"..

Hey everyone!
It's friday and all of you keep reminding me I missed the "best day of Chem class ever", and I am quite upset. I don't really upset this whole blog thing, but it sounds pretty cool. I didn't skip school (like Ben thinks) I just couldn't walk because of my back, but that's okay.
Chemistry is now my favorite class (because I get it!) I'm glad Kate's my lab partner because she's a super genius, even though she denies it all the time. And Ms. Vosburgh is awesome!!


Anonymous said...

I'm no super genious but i do know that your blog is awesome =] <3

Will Lounsbury said...

wow. amazing job on ure blog even though u werent even in class

Rogelio said...

well done ashley. i like your blog even though you missed class that day.