Saturday, December 8, 2007

Assignment Numero Uno

Honors Chem so far .. When I think back, it's been an interesting ride. The transition from Bio to Honors Chem was not what I expected. It was a challenge, and I simply had to adapt. And even though it is a couple weeks into Term 2, my opinion of the class has changed completely. I feel confident and more capable. At first, the level of independence in the learning was not what I was used to, but I'm liking it now. I've developed a system and I feel good walking into the class each day. I enjoy the people in class and I like the small and intimate environment. Even though the jokes got on my nerves at first, I learned to laugh it off because I'm confident that I can kick butt in Chem now! SO THERE! =] It would be very different if the class was more diverse and I think that if more people, different people were in our class, everyone's learning would be different. The fact that we are basically on the same level learning plane is nice because we can all feed off of each other and help each other. I have learned to appreciate people in Chemisty first term because people were willing to help me when they knew it was hard. I notice that the class dynamic in Chem is pretty relaxed most of the time. We're able to talk throughout labs and while we're working and I think that is actually beneficial. Having a relaxed environment helps me at least and I think that other people enjoy not having a strict, quiet, "work-only" kind of place. Our stupendous teach, Mrs. V, provides us with help when we need it, lots of information to enhance our learning, and a relaxed place to do it in.

I have gained a lot more respect for the class in the last 2 weeks. I'm so excited for the next 2 terms, and I can't wait to see where me and the rest of the class can go. We all are smart and it's gonna be a great year!

(I know get why people say I talk too much)


Kallie Fehr said...

aaahhh,i'm having such difficulty!! what is your blog link?

Kallie Fehr said...

ahaha nvm, i figured it out!! btw your paragraph is really good and in detail and your page is very organized and pretty

Anonymous said...

wooooooooord!! nice post, i read it all. amen.. i'm excited for this coming up term, too, and i love our chem class (:

Megan said...

Wow! Nice page. You go into so much detail and it is very organized. Nice work! =] (add me to your links)

Will Lounsbury said...

i love how you mentioned that every was on the same plane because it is true and i also like that about our class

Anonymous said...

i really like your blog ash. your colors are very pretty and the page is quite organized. i also like the atmosphere of our classroom and how everyone is on the same page. well done!

Allison said...

your blog looks gorgeous. very neat and thoughtful. i read your post and i agree with it (especially the part about our stupendous teach...) and i like the relaxed environment, too. it is good for my cranium. loverly job!

Allison said...

i am disappointed that you do not have me as one of your links!!