Thursday, February 21, 2008

and the lucky winner is ...

Well duhh .. of course I chose to research CSI. Not only did I go and get a book on the chemistry behind Crime Scene Investigating, I am meeting with a CSI from the Delaware Police Department!! I'm so excited. My daddy fixed up an appointment for me with one of his friends and I'm so excited. He knew I was intenrested in the forensic science field so now I get to meet a REAL LIFE CSI! Yaay! It's so interesting to me and I can't wait to find out more about it. The chemicals used to analyze substances, the chemicals added to dried blood to "revitalize" it for chemical analysis .. it's just too cool. I know I'm kind of rambling but it is so fascinating to me and it's what I want to do with my life.

I commented on Nick's, Reiss's, Rogelio's, Kate's and Will's blog.

Friday, February 1, 2008

What interests me about chemistry?

Chemistry .. I never really understood what the point of it was until I did some research. Sure, it's a class that you need to take to graduate, but what really does chemistry mean to me? I'm not sure yet. But research has provided me with many different topics which revolve around chemistry.

They include:
1. Medicine - What would we do without new medications available?

2. Cosmetics - What would us girls do without our makeup? The creation of our favorite lip gloss, eyeshadow and nail polish all involve chemistry.

3. Water purification - We take it for granted, but without chemistry, drinking water would be disgusting and make us sick. Once we're sick, we'd need medicine and OH WAIT, that's chemistry too.

4. Cooking - It's basically chemistry right? Combining and mixing to make products? (okay maybe it's a stretch)

5. Military uses - Making bomb and all that stuff, definetly chemistry.

Most people that know me know that I am beyond obsessed with the tv show CSI, but it has become more than that. One of my goals is to be part of the forensic science field, specificially a criminalist. I have always known that forensics involve science, but I didn't realize how much of it involves chemistry. Chemical reactions are performed time and time again at a crime scene and later analyzing it in the lab. Without chemicals, who knows how many criminals would have escaped their righteous punishment. Besides crime scene analysis, there are numerous other thing that interest me that involve chemistry, but it's role in CSI is my obvious favorite.Using chemistry to analyze drugs found in a victim's system, or to determine what an un-identified substance found at a crime scene, is beyond incredible to me. Chemistry is such a critical part of criminal justice if you ask me, and I am so fascinated with it. Forensics is an interesting field on its own, but incorporating science to catch a killer?! It's amazing.

Links: (I have a thousand but these are interesting)

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Is it a waste of time?

I believe that researching things that are just "cool" but really have no benefit are not just a waste of time. Without knowledge like this, would we know not to put tin foil in the microwave? Or would we know that you can chew Stride gum wrappers and they eventually disolve? Yes, we need the scientists that spend their lives searching for a cure for cancer and AIDS, but also the scientists that find the useless knowledge just as well. Without them, I feel many more accidents would occur and people would be more likely to test things on their own because someone had not already done it for them. Though the scientists may seem less intelligent, or less capable of discovering bigger and better things, I don't believe any of this is true. Who says that discovering why tin foil sparks in the microwave isn't as important as why people get skin cancer? A discovery is a discovery; why does it matter how great it is?
I think that all scientists have to start somewhere, and maybe smaller, and the "less significant" discoveries are a great place to start. The flourescent fish and the burning cameras and satellites could be discoveries made by scientists who could find the cure for cancer twenty years down the road. We may never know. But I do know that it is unfair to say that the scientists are less important and their discoveries are a waste of time and just "cool".

I commented on Rogelio's, Ben's and Reiss's blog's.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Assignment Numero Uno

Honors Chem so far .. When I think back, it's been an interesting ride. The transition from Bio to Honors Chem was not what I expected. It was a challenge, and I simply had to adapt. And even though it is a couple weeks into Term 2, my opinion of the class has changed completely. I feel confident and more capable. At first, the level of independence in the learning was not what I was used to, but I'm liking it now. I've developed a system and I feel good walking into the class each day. I enjoy the people in class and I like the small and intimate environment. Even though the jokes got on my nerves at first, I learned to laugh it off because I'm confident that I can kick butt in Chem now! SO THERE! =] It would be very different if the class was more diverse and I think that if more people, different people were in our class, everyone's learning would be different. The fact that we are basically on the same level learning plane is nice because we can all feed off of each other and help each other. I have learned to appreciate people in Chemisty first term because people were willing to help me when they knew it was hard. I notice that the class dynamic in Chem is pretty relaxed most of the time. We're able to talk throughout labs and while we're working and I think that is actually beneficial. Having a relaxed environment helps me at least and I think that other people enjoy not having a strict, quiet, "work-only" kind of place. Our stupendous teach, Mrs. V, provides us with help when we need it, lots of information to enhance our learning, and a relaxed place to do it in.

I have gained a lot more respect for the class in the last 2 weeks. I'm so excited for the next 2 terms, and I can't wait to see where me and the rest of the class can go. We all are smart and it's gonna be a great year!

(I know get why people say I talk too much)

Friday, December 7, 2007

So mad I missed the "best day of Chem ever"..

Hey everyone!
It's friday and all of you keep reminding me I missed the "best day of Chem class ever", and I am quite upset. I don't really upset this whole blog thing, but it sounds pretty cool. I didn't skip school (like Ben thinks) I just couldn't walk because of my back, but that's okay.
Chemistry is now my favorite class (because I get it!) I'm glad Kate's my lab partner because she's a super genius, even though she denies it all the time. And Ms. Vosburgh is awesome!!